In the heart of ancient Athens, where history and modernity coalesce, the COREnext team recently convened for the 2nd Plenary Meeting, setting the stage for an enriching two days of collaboration, innovation, and strategic planning. This gathering not only marked a moment of reflection on past achievements but also laid the groundwork for the future trajectory of the COREnext project.

The meeting commenced with a holistic status check, providing an insightful overview of the current state of the COREnext project. Milestones achieved were celebrated, providing a comprehensive understanding of the journey thus far. This introspective analysis served as a catalyst for envisioning future breakthroughs. As the Project Coordinator, Michael Roitzsch from the Barkhausen Institute claimed:

The COREnext project has met in Athens to plan its second year. Hosted by WINGS, we were greeted by nice weather and the Athens Parthenon looking over our meeting location. After having defined an architecture for trustworthy 6G networks in 2023, this year COREnext will build key components to realize this architecture. We brainstormed about research efforts, publications, and demonstrators. A lot of exciting work lies ahead of us!

Platform Architecture Recap

The very essence of COREnext was revisited with a detailed Platform Architecture Recap. Team members delved into the foundational elements, reinforcing the importance of a robust architecture that fosters seamless collaboration and operational efficiency. This session reinforced the commitment to building a technological infrastructure that stands the test of innovation.

The corenext consortium will develop a trustworthy-by-design platform based on a new computing architecture for base stations to push european capabilities in b5g/6g to the next level.

Advancing Use Cases

The meeting showcased tangible progress as the team explored advancements in COREnext’s use cases. From ideation to implementation, the project is transforming innovative ideas into tangible solutions that will impact 6G real-world scenarios. This commitment to practical applications reinforces COREnext’s role as a driving force in technological advancements.

COREnext, through the use cases, will help define trustworthiness and processing efficiency based on the paramount importance of reliability, availability, security, privacy and integrity for a society based on European values of privacy and data protection.

Strategic Mapping

Eyes set on the future, strategic discussions unfolded as the team mapped out the trajectory for COREnext’s ascent to new heights of innovation. These forward-thinking dialogues ensure that the project remains at the forefront of technological advancement, continually pushing boundaries and exploring new frontiers in XR, manufacturing, and automotive.

Global Resonance Through Outreach

COREnext is not merely a local endeavor—it’s a global vision. The team unveiled plans for comprehensive outreach activities, ensuring that the project’s vision resonates across the tech landscape in Europe. The upcoming white paper, ‘Trustworthiness: The Key to Europe’s Digital Future,’ promises to usher in a new era of insights for the industry, providing a strategic roadmap for cultivating trust in Europe’s digital landscape. This strategic approach aims to amplify the European presence of COREnext, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange on a wider scale.